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Fayium, Egypt
+20 111 780 8886 +1 404-606-3536 info@kborganic.comFLOWER - PETALS
The pot marigold (Calendula officinalis) is grown especially for ornamental purposes and is commonly found in herbal products and cosmetics. The petal-like ray flowers are edible and are sometimes used in salads. ِAlso Calendula petals are added to tea blends and tinctured or infused in oil for use in creams, lotions, salves, lip balms, and other cosmetic items.
Botanical Name | Color | Packing | Weight | Capacity per Container | Quality | Availability |
Calendula | Yellow flowers | P.P Bags Paper Bags |
20 kg 10 kg |
20 FT: 5 tons 40 FT: 11 tons |
Grade: A, Grade: B | Conventional EU Standards |
Botanical Name | Packing | Weight | Capacity per Container | Quality | Availability | |
Calendula | Yellow flowers | P.P Bags Paper Bags |
8 kg 15 kg |
20 FT: 4 tons, 40 FT: 10 tons | Grade: A, Grade: B | Conventional, EU Standards |
Perennial plant of the mint family (Lamiaceae), grown as a culinary herb. … Its fresh or dried leaves and flowering tops are used to season many foods, imparting a warm, aromatic, slightly sharp, and bitterish flavor , Green majoram, silver green, black (dark grey).
Botanical Name | Color | Packing | Weight: | Capacity per Container | Quality | Availability | Kinds | Total Plate | Yeasts | Moulds | E-Coli | Salmonella |
Origanummajorana, also called sweet marjoram. | green color | P.P Bags Paper bags |
10 kg 20 kg |
20 FT: 6 tons 40 FT: 12 tons |
Grade A Grade B |
Organic Conventional EU Standards |
Green/green(80/90 gr.ltr) Green/green(90/100gr.ltr) Green/gray(90/100 gr.ltr) Green/gray(100/11gr./ltr) Gray/gray(100/110 gr.ltr) Gray/gray(110/120gr.ltr) Fine cut Powder Sifting Oil min. 1.7 max. 3.5%. |
10^7 cfu/g | 10^3 cfu/g | 10^3 cfu/g | Negative | Negative |
Chamomile is an herb that comes from a flowering plant from the daisy family. Both the fresh and dried flowers of chamomile have been used to create teas for centuries to cure a number of health problems. It is also often used for bathing and as an ingredient in homemade skincare and cosmetics.
Botanical Name | Packing | Weight | Capacity per Container | Quality | Availability |
MutricariaChamomi | Carton box | 12.5 kg | 20 FT: 3.5 tons 40 FT: 8 tons |
Grade: A, Grade: B | Organic Conventional EU Standards |
Botanical Name | Packing | Weight | Capacity per Container | Quality | Availability |
MutricariaChamomi | P.P Bags Paper Bags |
10 kg 25 kg |
20 FT: 11 tons 40 FT: 24 tons |
Grade: A, Grade: B | Organic Conventional EU Standards |
Annual herb of the mint family (Lamiaceae), grown for its aromatic leaves. Basil is likely native to India and is widely grown as a kitchen herb. The leaves are used fresh or dried to flavour meats, fish, salads, and sauces; basil tea is a stimulant.
Botanical Name | Color | Packing | Weight | Capacity per Container | Quality | Availability |
Ocimumbasilicum, also called sweet basil. | Green to light green with moderate amount of brown leaves | P.P Bag Paper Bags |
10 kg, 25 kg | 20 FT: 6 tons 40 FT: 13 tons |
Grade: A, Grade: B | Organic Conventional EU Standards |
The dry fruits are coriander seeds. The word “coriander” in food preparation may refer solely to these seeds (as a spice), rather than to the plant. The seeds have a lemony citrus flavour when crushed, due to terpenes linalool and pinene. It is described as warm, nutty, spicy, and orange-flavoured. It is also known as Chinese parsley, dhania or cilantro . All parts of the plant are edible, but the fresh leaves and the dried seeds (as a spice) are the parts most traditionally used in cooking.
Botanical Name | Color | Packing | Weight | Capacity per Container | Quality | Availability |
Coriandrumsativum | small brown seeds | P.P Bag Paper Bags |
10 kg 25 kg |
20 FT:11 TONS 40 FT: 24 TONS |
Grade: A, Grade: B | Organic Conventional EU Standards |
Parsley leaves are used fresh or dried for foods.
Botanical Name | Color | Packing | Weight | Capacity per Container | Quality | Availability |
Petroselinumcrispum | small brown seeds | P.P Bag Paper Bags |
10 kg 20 kg |
20 FT:6 TONS 40 FT: 12 TONS |
Grade: A, Grade: B | Conventional EU Standards |
Botanical Name | Packing | Weight | Capacity per Container | Quality | Availability |
Petroselinumcrispum | P.P Bag Paper Bags |
10 kg 20 kg |
20 FT:6 TONS 40 FT: 12 TONS |
Grade: A, Grade: B | Conventional EU Standards |
spearmint (Menthaspicata), spearmint leaves, dried or fresh, are used to flavor teas, provide seasoning for various dishes (meat, fish, among others), and so forth, with spearmint tea and tinctures used medicinally.
Botanical Name | Color | Packing | Weight | Capacity per Container | Quality | Availability |
Menthaspicata | Leaves range in color from dark green and gray-green to purple and blue. | P.P Bag Paper Bags |
10 kg 25 kg |
20 FT:6 TONS 40 FT: 12 TONS |
Grade: A Grade: B |
Organic Conventional EU Standards |
Rutaceae family, it is used as a food condiment and has medicinal benefits such as boosting immunity and stomach.
Botanical Name | Packing | Weight | Capacity per Container | Quality | Availability |
Citrus limonum | P.P Bag Paper Bags |
8 kg 20 kg |
20 FT:6 TONS 40 FT: 14 TONS |
Grade: A Grade: B |
Organic Conventional EU Standards |
Botanical Name | Packing | Weight | Capacity per Container | Quality | Availability |
Citrus Limons | P.P Bag Paper Bags |
10 kg 20 kg |
20 FT:6 TONS 40 FT: 12 TONS |
Grade: A, Grade: B | Organic Conventional EU Standards |
Lemongrass is known for its uplifting citrus scent and healthful properties. Dried lemongrass imparts subtle citrus notes to herbal tea blends, body care creations, culinary dishes, and can be steeped as lemongrass tea.
Botanical Name | Color | Packing | Weight | Capacity per Container | Quality | Availability |
Cymbopogon citrates | Pale green to yellow cut herb | P.P Bag Paper Bags |
10 kg 20 kg |
20 FT:5 TONS 40 FT: 11 TONS |
Grade: A Grade: B |
Organic Conventional EU Standards |
Botanical Name | Color | Packing | Weight | Capacity per Container | Quality | Availability |
Cymbopogon citrates | Pale green to yellow cut herb | P.P Bag Paper Bags |
10 kg 25 kg |
20 FT:10 TONS 40 FT: 23 TONS |
Grade: A, Grade: B | Organic Conventional EU Standards |
An annual herb in the celery family Apiaceae. It is the only species in the genus Anethum. Dill is grown widely in Eurasia, where its leaves and seeds are used as a herb or spice for flavouring food.
Botanical Name | Color | Packing | Weight | Capacity per Container | Quality | Availability |
Anethumgraveolens | green color | P.P Bag Paper Bags |
10 kg 25 kg |
20 FT:6 TONS 40 FT: 12 TONS |
Grade: A Grade: B |
Organic Conventional EU Standards |
Thymes are relatives of the oregano genus Origanum. They have culinary, medicinal, and ornamental uses, and the species most commonly cultivated and used for culinary purposes is Thymus vulgaris.
Botanical Name | Color | Packing | Weight | Capacity per Container | Quality | Availability |
Thymus vulgaris | Mid green leaves, green to purplish brown stem | P.P Bag Paper Bags |
10 kg 25 kg |
20 FT:6 TONS 40 FT: 14 TONS |
Grade: A Grade: B |
Organic Conventional EU Standards |
JEW'S MALLOW / Molokhia is a dark and leafy green plant. It is a very acquired taste as it develops a viscosity like that of okra when cooked. It is grown and processed all over the Middle East. Although it is mostly used fresh and in frozen form, the dried form is commonly used in countries where this plant doesn’t grow.
Botanical Name | Color | Packing | Weight | Capacity per Container | Quality | Availability |
Corchorusolitorius | Green | Carton Box | 5 kg | 20 FT:1.5 TONS 40 FT: 3.5 TONS |
Grade: A Grade: B |
EU Standards |
An herb that resembles tiny, curved pine needles with a sweet, fresh-tasting flavor. The Latin name “ros” means dew and “marinus” means sea. Rosemary (the dew of the sea) mostly grows up near the sea, it is herb, used in food as a spice and used as a medical.
Botanical Name | Color | Packing | Weight | Capacity per Container | Quality | Availability |
Salvia rosmarinus or Rosmarinusofficinalis | green color | P.P Bag Paper Bags |
12 kg 25 kg |
20 FT:7 TONS 40 FT: 16 TONS |
Grade: A Grade: B |
Organic Conventional EU Standards |
Sage is an herb. The leaf is used to make medicine, Sage used as aspice for food and Used in making soap and cosmetics
Botanical Name | Color | Packing | Weight | Capacity per Container | Quality | Availability |
Salvia officinalis | Gray to deep gray Color | P.P Bag Paper Bags |
8 kg 20 kg |
20 FT:6 TONS 40 FT: 12 TONS |
Grade: A Grade: B |
Organic Conventional EU Standards |
Garlic is a an herbaceous, annual , It has many medicinal benefits, also Currently, garlic is most commonly promoted as a dietary supplement for conditions related to the heart and blood vessels, including high blood cholesterol and high blood pressure. Fresh garlic, garlic powder, and garlic oil are used to flavor foods. Garlic may be used topically.
Botanical Name | Packing | Weight | Capacity per Container | Quality | Availability |
Garlic, Allium sativum | P.P Bag Paper Bags |
14 kg | 20 FT:9 TONS 40 FT: 21 TONS |
Grade: A Grade: B |
Organic Conventional EU Standards |
The onion is an herbaceous biennial in the family Liliaceae grown for its edible bulb. The stem of the plant is a flattened disc at the base. The onion plant produces pink or white flowers clustered on stalks. Onions that remain in the ground and are not harvested until they have matured into a larger round onion with dried leaves. This onion is often served on or with meats, poultry, and fish. Common dry onions include brown, red, white onion It has many medicinal benefits.
Botanical Name | Packing | Weight | Capacity per Container | Quality | Availability |
Allium cepa | P.P Bag Paper Bags |
14 kg | 20 FT:9 TONS 40 FT: 21 TONS |
Grade: A Grade: B |
Organic Conventional EU Standards |
Fennel is a flowering plant species in the carrot family. It used in cooking fennel is one of the three main herbs used in the preparation of absinthe, an alcoholic mixture which originated as a medicinal.
Botanical Name | Color | Packing | Weight | Capacity per Container | Quality | Availability |
Foeniculumvulgare | Green | P.P Bag Paper Bags |
10 kg, 25 kg | 20 FT:13 TONS 40 FT: 26 TONS |
Grade: A Grade: B |
Organic Conventional EU Standards |
Caraway is a unique spice long used in cooking and herbal medicine when used medicinally, caraway can be made into a tea or taken as a supplement. You can also apply its essential oils to your skin. Caraway is used as a spice in Foods.
Botanical Name | Color | Packing | Weight | Capacity per Container | Quality | Availability |
Carumcarvil | Brown | P.P Bag Paper Bags |
10 kg, 25 kg | 20 FT:13 TONS 40 FT: 28 TONS |
Grade: A Grade: B |
Organic Conventional EU Standards |
Sesame Is a flowering plant in the genus Sesamum, also called benne Numerous wild … The word “sesame” is from Latin sesamum and Greek sēsamon; used as food and flavouring and from which a prized oil is extracted .and it has medicinal benefits
Botanical Name | Color | Packing | Weight | Capacity per Container | Quality | Availability |
Sesamumindicum | GOLDEN | P.P Bag Paper Bags |
12 kg, 25 kg | 20 FT:15 TONS 40 FT: 28 TONS |
Grade: A Grade: B |
Organic Conventional EU Standards |
Botanical Name | Color | Packing | Weight | Capacity per Container | Quality | Availability |
Sesamunindicum | White | P.P Bags Paper Bags |
12 kg 25 kg |
20 FT: 15 tons 40 FT: 28 tons |
Grade: A, Grade: B | Organic Conventional EU Standards |
Fenugreek is an annual plant in the family Fabaceae, with leaves consisting of three small … Scientific classification edit … Fenugreek is not approved or recommended for clinical use by any governmental health agency. … The English name derives via Middle French fenugrec from Latin faenugraecum, faenum.
Botanical Name | Color | Packing | Weight | Capacity per Container | Quality | Availability |
Trigonellafoenum-graecum | light up to middlebrown | P.P Bag Paper Bags |
10 kg, 25 kg | 20 FT:13 TONS 40 FT: 26 TONS |
Grade: A Grade: B |
Organic Conventional EU Standards |
Cumin seed is used as a spice for its distinctive flavour and aroma. … In South Asian cooking it is often combined with coriander seeds in a powdered mixture called dhanajeera. Cumin can be used ground or as whole seeds.
Botanical Name | Color | Packing | Weight | Capacity per Container | Quality | Availability |
Cuminumcyminum | Brown | P.P Bag Paper Bags |
10 kg, 25 kg | 20 FT:13 TONS 40 FT: 26 TONS |
Grade: A Grade: B |
Organic Conventional EU Standards |
Anise is a member of the parsley family and is related to caraway, cumin, dill, and fennel. It is known as anise seed or aniseed.
Botanical Name | Color | Packing | Weight | Capacity per Container | Quality | Availability |
Pimpinellaanisum | green to Dun yellow | P.P Bag Paper Bags |
10 kg, 25 kg | 20 FT:13 TONS 40 FT: 26 TONS |
Grade: A Grade: B |
Organic Conventional EU Standards |
Black pepper is used to make black pepper. This hotly pungent spice is one of the earliest known and most widely used spices in the world today. It is used as flavouring, particularly for savoury foods, meat dishes, sauces and snack foods. It is also used as a table condiment.
Botanical Name | Color | Packing | Weight | Capacity per Container | Quality | Availability |
Piper nigrum | Black | P.P Bag Paper Bags |
10 kg, 25 kg | 20 FT:13 TONS 40 FT: 26 TONS |
Grade: A Grade: B |
Organic Conventional EU Standards |
It is a hybrid mint, a cross between watermint and spearmint. Fresh or dried peppermint leaves are often used alone in peppermint tea or with other herbs in herbal teas (tisanes, infusions). Peppermint is used for flavouring ice cream, candy, fruit preserves, alcoholic beverages, chewing gum, toothpaste, and some shampoos, soaps and skin care products.
Botanical Name | Color | Packing | Weight | Capacity per Container | Quality | Availability |
Menthapiperita | dark green | P.P Bag Paper Bags |
10 kg, 25 kg | 20 FT:6 TONS 40 FT: 12 TONS |
Grade: A Grade: B |
Organic Conventional EU Standards |
These fragrant petals can be used to make perfumed syrups, flavoured jams, jellies and ice creams, as well as being a beautiful decoration for cakes and puddings.
Botanical Name | Color | Packing | Weight | Capacity per Container | Quality | Availability |
Rosa | Red or Pink | Carton Box | 10 kg | 20 FT:5 TONS 40 FT: 11TONS |
Grade: A Grade: B |
Organic Conventional EU Standards |
Gum olibanum is the dry exudate obtained from the stems and branches of Boswellia papyrfera. It consists mainly of salts of an acidic arabino-galactan protein complex. Gum olibanum is a greenish-yellow solid in the form o f irregular nodules and fragments which on pressing form a slightly plastic mass. Gum olibanum has a characteristic pleasant odour and bitter taste. It may contain extraneous materials such as sand and pieces of bark. It is used as a fixative for perfumes, in soap Uses manufacture, in folkloric medicine, an incense in holly places and as an insecticide.
Origin | Particles Size | Packing | Weight | Capacity per Container | Quality | Availability |
Sudan | (1ST GRADE) :Starting from 4mm To 10mm (2nd Grade) :Starting from 3.5mm To 4mm (3rd Grade) :Starting from 2.5mm To 3mm (4th Grade) :Particles different sizes sticked to tree bark |
P.P Bag Paper Bags |
50 kg | 20 FT:17 TONS 40 FT: 28 TONS |
Grade: A Grade: B |
Organic Conventional EU Standards |
The mysterious black colored conical shape seeds of Nigella seed or commonly known as Kalonji are beautiful to view and are also full of numerous qualities. It is actually obtained from the onion and are said to be the onion seeds.
Botanical Name | Color | Packing | Weight | Capacity per Container | Quality | Availability |
Nigella sativa | Black | P.P Bag Paper Bags |
25 kg | 20 FT:14 TONS 40 FT: 28 TONS |
Grade: A Grade: B |
Organic Conventional EU Standards |
The chili pepper from Nahuatlchīlli is the fruit of plants from the genus Capsicum which are members of the nightshade family, Solanaceae. Chili peppers are widely used in many cuisines as a spice to add heat to dishes.
Botanical Name | Packing | Weight | Capacity per Container | Quality | Availability |
Capsicum annuum | P.P Bag Paper Bags |
10 kg 20 kg |
20 FT:5 TONS 40 FT: 10 TONS |
Grade: A Grade: B |
Organic Conventional EU Standards |
Rosa-sinensis is a bushy, evergreen shrub or small tree growing 2.5–5 m (8–16 ft) tall and 1.5–3 m (5–10 ft) wide, with glossy leaves and solitary, brilliant red flowers in summer and autumn. The 5-petaled flowers are 10 cm (4 in) in diameter, with prominent orange-tipped red anthers.genus of numerous species of herbs, shrubs, and trees in the mallow family (Malvaceae) that are native to warm temperate and tropical regions. Several are cultivated as ornamentals for their showy flowers, and a number are useful as fibre plants.
Botanical Name | Color | Packing | Weight | Capacity per Container | Quality | Availability |
Hibiscus sabdariffa | Dark or light red | P.P Bags Carton box |
20 kg 17 kg |
20 FT: 6 tons, 40 FT: 12 tons | Grade: A, Grade: B | Organic Conventional EU Standards |
Botanical Name | Packing | Weight | Capacity per Container | Quality | Availability |
Hibiscus sabdariffa | P.P Bags Paper Bags |
10 kg 25 kg |
20 FT: 11 tons 40 FT: 24 tons |
Grade: A, Grade: B | Organic Conventional EU Standards |
Botanical Name | Color | Packing | Weight | Capacity per Container | Quality | Availability |
Hibiscus sabdariffa | Dark or light red | P.P Bags Paper Bags |
10 kg 25 kg |
20 FT: 13 tons 40 FT: 28 tons |
Grade: A, Grade: B | Organic Conventional EU Standards |
An Egyptian company is established in 2008 aiming to build a good reputation in the field of exporting all kinds of Egyptian dried herbs, seeds, spices and dehydrated products It is one of the leading companies in this field . It offers unique group of herbs ,spices and dehydrated products. Khirat Baladna has been supplying its international customers with all kinds of herbs and spices products in addition we offer high quality products for a very competitive price.
In general use, herbs are a widely distributed and widespread group of plants, excluding vegetables and other plants consumed for macronutrients, with savory or aromatic properties that are used for flavoring and garnishing food, for medicinal purposes, or for fragrances.
Spices A spice is a seed, fruit, root, bark, or other plant substance primarily used for flavoring or coloring food. Spices are distinguished from herbs, which are the leaves, flowers, or stems of plants used for flavoring or as a garnish.
A seed is an embryonic plant enclosed in a protective outer covering, along with a food reserve. The formation of the seed is a part of the process of reproduction in seed plants, the spermatophytes, including the gymnosperm and angiosperm plants.
Gum is a sap or other resinous material associated with certain species of the plant kingdom. This material is often polysaccharide-based and is most frequently associated with woody plants, particularly under the bark or as a seed coating.
KB Organic is everything you would want in a herb and spice company. I've never had an issue with the quality, authenticity, or pricing of their products. The speed of delivery is also excellent and their customer service team is spot-on when it comes to responding to any inquiries. They're my favorite company for herbs and spices and have been for many years now, since they started exporting this type of product.
KB Organic is a wonderful company that supplies the best herbs and spices. I love their spicy seeds, which are perfect for making my own chili sauce. The prices are just right and the quality is always excellent. It's a pleasure doing business with them!
KB Organic are the best herbalist and spice exporters in the market. They have healthy snacks on stock for a low price, which is often lower than what you would find in an organic store! If you are looking for something new to try,I recommend the Rosemary & Thyme crackers. Keep that in mind for next time you're stopping by!
KB Organic is the best company for imports and exports, herbs and spices and seeds. I am a business analyst in Herbal Gatway who always looks for their products. They provide the best quality of my beloved herbs and spices and are a great value for our customers who need to buy multiple things.
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